
Tuesday 6 March 2012

Requested blog topic- 'my mother is on facebook'

This one i found interesting because i remember talking to someone a few years ago, back when people actually used bebo, about not wanting something to be said on my bebo page because i was worried about my mum reading it (I wish i could say what it was but i honestly cant remember). My friend thought that was the most ridiculous thing ever and asked how my mum would come across something on bebo and seemed surprised to hear my mum actually had a bebo page.
Now everyone has abandoned bebo, including my mother, who naturally joined everyone else on facebook.
All i can say though, is who cares whose mother is on facebook?!?!? My GRANDMOTHER is on facebook! Yes, my grandmother, after a lot of objections and insisting she had no desire to join everyone on facebook and keep updated in other peoples lives and share her own stories or even just send private messages to those she wished to speak to, my granny finally gave in and joined the rest of the family, and the rest of the world on facebook.


  1. I think you should talk about mens rea and actus reus. Since you love them so. Oh, and habius corpus!

  2. Ok fine... how about 'the best gift i've ever received'. *hint hint* Playboy necklace! :P

  3. facebook grannies! they are cute! someone on my facebooks GREAT granny has one hehehehehehe

  4. facebook great granny! lmao
