
Friday 9 March 2012

Requested blog topic- 'My day'

My day: New pets, Final goodbyes and being special

Last week my social worker said im special and certainly made me feel 'speshul' when she arrived with my

support worker for a visit...both of them at once is most degrading! Certainly not the sort of special I'm

comfortable with but at least they are both rather amusing, I had been told a week before that because i was

special i had to think of something fun to do on her last day visiting me and i could think of nothing so when

they arrived and were going over some very boring stuff i think they expected me to care about i realized it

was the perfect chance to get a lift across town to Pets At Home for some rats, which i asked my social worker

and she said that was fine and my support worker then said she wanted to come too, but was rather bluntly told

'i think we're going to go and get something to eat first actually' and that was the end of that conversation! So

off we went to Pets at Home, after stopping at McDonalds for lunch... a happy meal for me which for once

was lovely and even the 'toy' was great since it was actually a little sandwich box which could also be divided

into 2 sections using what also could be used as both a spoon on one end or a knife using the other end. The

only let down was a stupid cardboard circle that was semi-cut into triangle segments and supposedly

supposed to be pulled apart for some reason + had a picture of fruit on one side, Tom and Jerry on the other,

and even after looking at the instructions it appeared to have no purpose whatsoever unless it was the worlds

most ridiculous puzzle.

It baffled me all the way to Pets At Home but once i got there i had a great time watching all the rats for ages,

including a slightly deformed one that my social worker believed to be brain damaged. but i actually wish i got

him as well as the 2 boys i got, both 5 months old and named King Arthur and Cosmic Creepers the third.

To end the day my social worker ran back up the aisles while i was at the checkout paying for my new rats and

returned with some bits and bobs that i wonder who/what they were for although i didnt bother asking, but as

soon as we were back in the car with the rats she dumped the stuff on top of the box the rats were in and said

'housewarming present for the rats' before taking me home and saying goodbye for the last time. It was a sad

moment but it reminded me that only a few months ago i was in a similar situation but with my old support

worker who gave a pair of earrings and said i was special + that she was really glad she got to work with me,

so I must be special for both of them to say I am. They may actually mean special as the rather unfortunate

'speshul' as opposed to the desirable meaning of special, but clearly I'm very special one way or another!

Thursday 8 March 2012

Requested blog topic- 'Top websites'

This is 3 of my favourite websites which are not in any particular order:-

Website that allows you to create online 'gigs' that you are willing to do for people for £5. The site keeps £1 from each order so you only actually get £4 but its still a good site.

Website where you can download software, games and apps

Getting British Business Online allows you to create your own website in 15 mins. Create your website using yolas template based system and get your own web address free for 2 years.

Tuesday 6 March 2012

Requested blog topic- 'my mother is on facebook'

This one i found interesting because i remember talking to someone a few years ago, back when people actually used bebo, about not wanting something to be said on my bebo page because i was worried about my mum reading it (I wish i could say what it was but i honestly cant remember). My friend thought that was the most ridiculous thing ever and asked how my mum would come across something on bebo and seemed surprised to hear my mum actually had a bebo page.
Now everyone has abandoned bebo, including my mother, who naturally joined everyone else on facebook.
All i can say though, is who cares whose mother is on facebook?!?!? My GRANDMOTHER is on facebook! Yes, my grandmother, after a lot of objections and insisting she had no desire to join everyone on facebook and keep updated in other peoples lives and share her own stories or even just send private messages to those she wished to speak to, my granny finally gave in and joined the rest of the family, and the rest of the world on facebook.

Thursday 1 March 2012


c'What should i blog about?' I've never quite understood why anyone wanting to start a blog would ask that question.....if they cant think of anything that they feel like writing about, or anything they know people will want to read about, what exactly is their purpose? More importantly, why are they asking that when so many lists of requests are being posted everywhere and ignored? Thats why i have now decided to make my own blog, despite not having anything specific i want to write about, or actually asking anyone for ideas. I'm simply going to write about what people ask to be written.

Some of the topics requested are:-

*My mother is on facebook
*What i spend money on
*Buying and selling online
*My children will do it differently
*Blackberry reviews
*Facebook apps i love
*When is free better and when not
*Top websites
*Top android apps