
Friday 15 April 2016

The World Is Getting More Sick And Twisted By The Day

I  got on a bus today and as always picked up a copy of the Metro to see what has been going on in the world. Recently I've been seeing nothing on the front page I find particularly interesting, mostly stuff about taxes and money in offshore accounts, but today the front page story was about a police woman being attacked by a guy with an axe, who left her with a broken leg, a fractured skull, and missing one of her fingers!
The story said she and a male colleague were sent to a domestic incident in Sheffield and the male officer was punched & knocked out when they arrived, before the attacker pulled out an axe and started 'chopping bits off her'. Luckily someone managed to drag her away to safety before back up arrived and the man with the axe was arrested on suspicion of attempted murder.

Also in the Metro a few days ago was a story about Liam Fee, a toddler who suffered 2 years of torture before being killed by his own mother, who then accused 2 other young boys of being the ones who had killed him!
Liam Fee was killed by his own mother
That was on the front page and a few pages after that I read what at first I assumed to be the rest of that story, but in fact turned out to be a different story about a toddler called Ayeeshia Jane Smith, who was stamped to death by her own mother after doctors and social services failed to spot months of abuse. The attack on Ayeeshia, who was a 'happy and smiley' toddler, was reported as being so violent that it resulted in injuries similar to those from a car crash or being thrown from a tall building. Ayeeshias mother Kathryn Smith was said to be a cannabis addict but judging by the picture of her she looks more like a hardcore crystal meth and/or heroin addict!
Kathryn Smith who stamped her toddler to death
 The 2 stories about the murdered toddlers were disturbing enough, especially being published in the same copy of the Metro, but then only a couple of days later, reading todays front page story about someone trying to chop up a police woman with an axe....I don't even know what to say. Just seriously WTF is wrong with the world?!?! Why are people so sick and twisted?
It's one thing to read about someone killing or almost killing someone when they have a reason for doing so (or at least think they have a reason), but attacking a complete stranger with an axe for no apparent reason, or even worse...murdering your own, completely innocent young child....I can't understand why people do these things. Why would someone bring a child into the world and then just kill it when it's only a couple of years old!?!
I think it's safe to say that's something I will NEVER be able to understand...

Thank's for reading and please share this and leave a comment below, either your thoughts on what you've just read or any requests for future blog posts...or both! =)
Oh and sorry todays post is so depressing, I'll try to come up with something more cheerful to write about tomorrow!

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