
Monday 11 April 2016

Now Back Bigger And Better

It's now been 6 months since the last post on Readers Requests Blog and even before that the posts were far from regular... I think it would be very easy for people to forget this blog even exists!  So after recently thinking to myself that I might as well just accept this blog as a failure and give up on it completely, I realized I didn't want that to be the case and decided instead to make an effort to  make this blog into something people actually want to read.
 So as of today I will be adding new posts on a regular basis and planning future posts in advance and including a note at the end of posts about what's coming up in future posts.
It's been so long since anything was posted that no one has submitted any new requests, so it won't be just requested posts like it used to be, but requests are still welcome =)

 During the next few weeks a lot of posts will be mobile phone related stuff, like mobile network comparisons and recommendations,  mobile app development, and top mobile apps and games etc.  Feel free to leave a comment if there's anything like that you want to be included in a post.

  Also, I will be starting some regular features, such  as:

*Daily Discussion- A short daily post on latest topics in the news etc.  As the title says, I'm hoping for people to leave comments on these posts to share their opinions and make it into a discussion.


*Online Offers & Freebies- Which  I did actually say I was going to start doing a long time ago but it never really happened so I'm going to start doing it now )

*Real Reviews- Exactly what the title says. There's a ridiculous amount of fake reviews on the internet these days and it can be hard to know which ones to trust, so each month I'll probably be adding 1 or 2 new reviews. Leave a comment if you have a request for something you want to be reviewed. When it's something that I would need to buy to be able to write the review, then if its something I can afford to buy I will, but if not I'll try to find someone else who does have whatever it is and ask them to write a review.

There may also be some other regular features added later but I don't want to end up trying to add too much at once so it's just going to be those three to start with. As always, feel free to leave a comment saying what you think of  those ideas and any requests for some other kind of regular feature.

I think that's enough for this post since it's not really about anything, but a more interesting post will follow soon since there will be new posts added every day from now on =)

1 comment:

  1. Sounds very good! Shall look forward to reading more.
