
Thursday 7 June 2012

WANTED:- Guest Blogs Posts Written By Readers

This blog was intended to give readers what they want by allowing you to choose the topics for each post, but to make it even better it's now going to let readers have even more involvement by giving you the chance to write an article on a certain topic and have it featured as a guest blog post on the Readers Request Blog, as well as on plus at the bottom of your article you can add a few lines about yourself and your own site/blog if you have one and add a link to it, then youd be adding your link to both the sites your article would be shown it would be really appreciated if you'd link back to  on your site to return the favour =) 
When you've completed your article submit it by email to and if you want to have a few lines about yourself with a link to your site then remember to include that too. 

Topics to choose from are-

 Blogging Tactics- How to Keep it Fresh
Could I Quit My Day Job
My Unexpected Mentor
Somebody Has To Say It
The Only Thing I Can Teach You
How I use my website

Write an article if you can........if not, try to at least request some new topics! Remember this blog needs your input to reach it's full potential!

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