
Thursday 14 June 2012

Guest Post- How To Build Muscles: Some tips and Guidelines

How to Build Muscles: Some Tips and Guidelines
We all know that muscles are the building blocks of the human body. So it is a fact that we all have the same number of muscles; however, you have to accept the fact that when we watch a body builder lifting some huge weights, then only is the time we become aware of our muscles.

Whenever we say about building muscles, the first thing that comes into our mind is nothing other than exercises. I believe that it should be done by almost everyone for their own body fitness and sometimes even to build their muscles. As we are speaking on muscle building, special focus must be given on some specific kind of weight training especially applicable for good biceps and triceps.

In order to increase the size of the muscle, it is essential to stress the muscles by doing the right kind of exercises. One should use light weights first and then slowly and gradually move to more complex and rigid schedule of training because it is necessary to get the body used to lifting weights gradually as this is the only way to lower the risk of getting injured. By doing crunches, leg lift and cardio workouts, one can surely build muscles. Increasing the difficulty level of training and mixing the right kind of exercises along with time is a necessity factor. However, increasing the weights and exercises will also challenge the muscles and help them to remain active and increase gradually.

One should also get rid of fat from the body. Fat hinders the muscle building process and the muscles can’t be visible if there is any fat in that part of the body. Therefore, the activities like jogging, cycling, swimming, dancing are always helpful to burn out the fat of the body and tone the muscles properly. Right kind of food habits like avoiding colas, fried food, salty food, and eating smaller dinner are helpful. Restraining from alcohol, late night sleep, avoiding anxiety is must as in tensed conditions the body release anxiety hormones, which conserve more fat from the food than what it conserves in normal condition.
Eating lean proteins in small intervals is helpful because that maintains the metabolism at a constant level and breaks the body fat, but don’t use the body muscle as a fuel to maintain the metabolic rate. Food should contain high protein value and less sugar level. It is useful to have protein shakes or sports drink after 30-45 minutes of a weight-lifting session as this helps to repair and build the weary muscles. Drinking good quantity of water is also necessary for a bodybuilder as exercises often produce some toxins inside the body and to get rid of these toxins 3-4 litres of water is essential to drain them out. One can incorporate juices, sports drinks and some other similar drinks to have this approximate quota of fluid.

Taking proper rest and having enough sleep is the most essential part to prepare the body and give time for the muscles to repair as this is the only way in which body can repair them the incorporating muscle tissues which means an increase in size.

With all these basic guidelines, building muscles is not that hard thing as it seems to be. So wake up tomorrow morning and start building your muscles for a much handsome look!

Wednesday 13 June 2012

Guest Post- How I Use My Website

How I use My Website

There are a lot of reasons why I make a website. First, I want to share my own ideas to the world. As the modern technology advances, more and more people are also gaining access in the World Wide Web. This means that there is a good chance that my site will gain recognition if only it has a great and consistent traffic. When we say traffic, this is the number of site visitors per day. The more I have traffic, the greater the chances of my website to get a higher rank on search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing and many others. Thus, I keep on updating my site, post articles, pictures and videos related to my niche.

Basically, it is not easy to make a website. I did a lot of brainstorming and research before I get into the decision of making this. As I finally decided for the niche, I keep on making unique contents that do not plagiarize. My website provides help to several internet browsers all over the world. With this, I always manage to answer their questions and help them as much as possible. I find fulfilment in helping other people, and my site really allows me to gain new online friends. Although, this consumes a lot of my time, I am grateful to assist and create a positive impact to other people’s lives.

Aside from providing helpful information to internet browsers, my website enables me to earn an amount of money. I grab the opportunity to place several ads on my site and with the clicks of the browsers, I gain profit from it. I started from earning a little, and it soared high as the number of traffic also increased. This is the reason why I make it a point to update my site and post relevant contents to it. Even though, earning is not my priority, I try to maximize the resources I have. There are a number of web developers who became rich through their site hence, I also tried and notice that earning online is very possible.

I also applied online marketing on my site. I promoted different kinds of products related to my niche, and I use the social networking media to increase its exposure. The entire process is difficult especially that I do not have a good background in making a site. However, I keep on reading and joining forums in order to know how to improve the website. It may take a lot of hard work to make it, but the results are always worthwhile. I highly encourage all the aspiring web makers to start selecting a niche that they are passionate about. I choose to work on a website that I know I am good at, that is why posting contents is not hard on my part. With the passion I have, I gain profit and friends. I know that as time goes by, more and more people will be attracted towards my site, and I will earn big from it.
by WddWeeras

Thursday 7 June 2012

WANTED:- Guest Blogs Posts Written By Readers

This blog was intended to give readers what they want by allowing you to choose the topics for each post, but to make it even better it's now going to let readers have even more involvement by giving you the chance to write an article on a certain topic and have it featured as a guest blog post on the Readers Request Blog, as well as on plus at the bottom of your article you can add a few lines about yourself and your own site/blog if you have one and add a link to it, then youd be adding your link to both the sites your article would be shown it would be really appreciated if you'd link back to  on your site to return the favour =) 
When you've completed your article submit it by email to and if you want to have a few lines about yourself with a link to your site then remember to include that too. 

Topics to choose from are-

 Blogging Tactics- How to Keep it Fresh
Could I Quit My Day Job
My Unexpected Mentor
Somebody Has To Say It
The Only Thing I Can Teach You
How I use my website

Write an article if you can........if not, try to at least request some new topics! Remember this blog needs your input to reach it's full potential!