
Friday 20 July 2012

How To Start A Blog

You’re a person who has a lot to offer the world.  You have lots of
hobbies, activities, life experiences and other wisdom that you want
to share, but you don’t know how.  Writing a 200+ page book is too
complicated and speaking in front of a large crowd might be too much
for you to handle.  So how do you get yourself out there to the masses
without much money and not a big name to back you up?  A blog, of
course.  How do you make one though, and how do they work?  Is it
complex, do you need to be a computer genius, and does it take a lot
of time?  Let’s dig into some of those questions and see how simple it
is to make your own website and put your ideas on virtual paper.

The first thing you need to do is create a website that will host
(hold the information) for your blog.  You can do a search and type in
Blogger and create one for free.  It’s very simple to do, and they
show you step by step how to make it.  All you will do is make a name
for the site, type in your name and some other personal information
and that’s it, you just made your own website!  There are many ways to
do this, and this is just one.  Another way is using Word Press

Of course you want it to look fantastic, so look through the different
themes they have to offer or you can also do a search online to find
other one’s that you feel suit you better.  There is no “right” theme,
but there are theme’s that will match more what you want to do than
others.  For example, there are themes that show off pictures at the
top of the site, or others do slideshows that look very nice.  Others
have genre specific themes like nature, movies, technology, animals,
travel and more.  If you want a theme that goes specifically with what
you are writing about, that would be a great route to go with.

What do you write about now that you actually have a blog up and
running?  That depends on what you want it for.  Do you just want to
talk about your personal life and experiences, a hobby that you
actively practice, something you have a lot of wisdom and knowledge
on, or maybe you want to make some money using your blog.  Keep it
simple and focused on what your readers will be reading.  Don’t write
10 blogs on home repair then start writing about bird watching.  Your
readers are there because they enjoy your style and they can relate in
one way or another to what you’re writing, but you will effectively
eliminate most of your audience if you completely switch topics on a
regular basis.  If you want to write about different topics, write
about one topic in one blog and one in another.

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