
Saturday 5 May 2012

Sometimes life is funny...sometimes its not

First of all I have to laugh at a few things I was thinking about while walking through town the other day-

High heels! Why do people wobble along the street for the sake of looking like a giraffe?!? WHY?!?  

Also, shopkeepers turning away and shuffling papers or fiddling with things pretending to be doing something when really all they're doing is making an over the top attempt to prove they're not trying to peek at you entering your pin number! ooh or chinese people turn away with their hands together in front of them! (Thanks for rememebering that one Bob!)

Sitting down on the ground outside Sainsburys, before a posh old woman suddenly ran up to me, asked if I would still be there in 10 minutes and said she wanted to buy me something 'hoT' and then asked me what I would like! I really look like a tramp??!?  It would seem I must, or perhaps she was just in the mood for buying strangers food, but either way I got a free Reggae Reggae chicken thing and a strawberry and banana smoothie so I can't complain!


Being stuck with a shitty bank account, that doesn't even allow me to have a proper debit card, just a shitty visa electron and prevents me withdrawing more than £50 in the same day is a lot less funny to me though. Especially when wost of all, it doesnt even allow me an overdraft so repeatedly declines direct debits to come out.....then charges me £10 for each one it declines, takes loads of money out  for those charges, which DOES make me overdrawn (funny they just said i couldnt be overdrawn on my account) then they reject the second attempt for those direct debits to come out because theyve taken all my money in charges, so they take even more money off me! NO WONDER ALL MY BILLS REMAIN UNPAID! I'm changing bank next week, seriously.

Also why is it so fucking cold at this time of year?! its MAY its nearly summer and its fucking freezing! Oh to think next month is yet another birthday of mine (and oh crap i missed several peoples birthdays already this year, i never remember other peoples have passed until I realize mine is coming and that theres was several months before mine =/ woops) and oh the joys! I'll be twenty fucking six!

It's good to end a blog post on a depressing note! 

1 comment:

  1. It IS bloody freezing! i hung my knickers out to dry and they turned to ice!
