
Thursday 23 January 2014

Hiring freelancers from sites such as Fiverr, Elance etc

If you're looking a way to help sustain your business with affordable labour, then there are plenty of contracting sites that you can go to find freelancers for the job. These websites make it easy for you to find the team of workers you're looking for without having to pay for classifieds in the newspaper or having your online postings getting lost amongst the thousands that are out there on the Internet.

That isn't to say that websites like these aren't without their problems, however. Caution must be taken in order to ensure that you're obtaining quality service for the price you're providing. You could end up with work that is below par if you don't take the precautionary measures to find freelancers who are willing to produce valuable work. Here are a few pros and cons that you should be aware of before you employ the through sites like oDesk, Elance and Fiverr.

If you've been struggling to find a source of labour to get your business started, then sites like these are best for helping you get on your feet. Online job bidding sites typically have a wide range of freelancers possessing different skills, so you can take care of all of your affairs in one place. Whether you need a website designed, web content written, or you need to create a new banner for your home page, there isn't a lack of talent on these websites. Another advantage is that all of these freelancers are going to be competing with each other to be hired, which means you could end up getting a bargain for the services that are being provided.

One of the main problems with these sites is that it can be difficult to decide on who should be hired. There are likely going to be a lot of responses to your job post, and many of them are going to provide you with the quality service you're looking for. It's highly advised that you don't go with the cheapest as you may get the value that you pay for.

In the end, who you decide to go with is a matter of personal preference, but it is important to take into account these pros and cons in determining who the best fit for your project is.